Mobile Solutions Development

Kangaroo E-Commerce App

  • Category: IOS Development
  • Client: ITE
  • Project date: 12 Jan, 2022

About this Project

The task of this project is to develop a develop an iOS mobile application using Swift and Xcode for an fictional online e-commerce shop called "Kangaroo" that must incorporate a database to store the products and customer information.

My Role and Solutions

As a team of 2, and the team leader, I was responsible for the planning of the project and the development of the application as I worked closely with my team memeber to design and develop the application using Swift and Xcode.

As we are free to come up with ideas on what kind of products the e-commerce platform will sell. We decided selling gardening equipments with the following key features:

  • Log in/Log out
  • Registration
  • Reset Password
  • Product Search
  • Product Sorting
  • Checkout System
  • Cart System
  • Credit System
  • Order History
  • Product Wishlist System
  • Account Management

Work Process

Planning Phase

In order for us to stay on track and deliver the project on time, we created a project plan that will allow us to keep track of the progress of the project. The project plan will also allow us to identify any issues that may arise and to come up with solutions to resolve them. The following is the project plan that we created:

Design Phase

The first step of the project was to design the application. We aim to create a simple, friendly and easy to use UI that will allow the user to browse through the products and make purchases easily hassel-free.

To achieve this, we start by creating a high-fidelity mockups of the application using Adobe XD. This will allow us to play wiht ideas and visualise the flow of the application to identify any areas that needs improvements.

The style that we are going for is a simple, clean and cartoony look to make it user-friendly as possible. Here is the final design of the application:

Development & Testing Phase

Development when smoothly and accordingly to the project plan, as all the features that we planned to implement were implemented. To test the application to ensure that it is working as intended, we created a test plan that will allow us to test the application and identify any bugs that may arise.


Overall, the project was a success as we were able to deliver the project on time with all the features implemented.

Download UI Mockup (Adobe XD)
Download or View Source Code (GitHub)


I would like to thank my team member, for her help and support throughout the project.