Data Visualization

Northwind Analysis

  • Category: Data Analytic
  • Client: NYP
  • Project date: 01 Nov, 2022

About this Project

The objective of this project is to analyse the Northwind database and provide insights to the company. The insights will help the company to make better business decisions.

As a team we are required to design and build scalable data models, clean and transform data and design easy-to-comprehend data visualisations with the use of Power Bi. The five areas of analysis are:

  • Customer Analysis
  • Employee Analysis
  • Product Analysis
  • Suppliers Analysis
  • Shipper Analysis

My Role and Solutions

As the team leader, I'm tasked with managing the team, allocating the task and ensuring that we are on track to complete the assigment on time. Additionally, I'm in charge for the analysis of customers, integration of the reports, and the overall design of the analysis dashboards shown in the pictures.

Work Process

Data Cleaning & Transformation

The first step is to clean and transform the data. The data was extracted from the Northwind database and imported into a SQL database. The data was then clean and transformed using Power Query in Power Bi. The following shows the data model after the data was cleaned and transformed:

Creating visuals

After the data was cleaned and transformed, I created the visuals for the dashboard. As I was in charge of analysing the customers, these are the areas I needed to focus on as stated by the requirements:

  • A visualisation showing the sales in bins of $500 for all the orders. Sales amounts above $4500 will be grouped under one bin
  • A visualisation showing the number of orders placed by each customer
  • A visualisation showing the sales amount gained from each customer.
  • Include necessary filters to enable users to filter the data.

With the above requirements in mind, I created the following visuals:

Deeper Analysis

We were also required to perform deeper analysis on the data to provide more insights to the company and to help them make better business decisions. The following are the insights I came up with:

With the above visuals, I came to the following conclusions:

"In conclusion, as the earlier scatter chart suggests, sales generated by each customer is closely tied to the quantity of products they order, therefore, it is crucial to maintain a sufficient inventory to maintain and drive-up sales figures."


The final step is to integrate the visuals into a single dashboard and to ensure that the visuals are easy to comprehend and navigate.


Overall, we completed the project on time and we were able to provide the company with the insights they needed to make better business decisions. See it for yourself by downloading the word report and the visual report:

Download Word Report
Download Visual Report


I would like to thank my team members Jade, Jonathan and Wei Jun for their hard work and dedication towards this project.