Visual Analytic Project

Is Singapore a Good Place to live/work in?

  • Category: Data Analytic
  • Client: NYP
  • Project date: 01 Dec, 2022

About this Project

In this project, my team and I were tasked with finding an answer to the hypothesis based on the following report:

"According to a popular website on living and working in Singapore, quality of life is a measure of one's overall well-being that includes economic, social, physical, political, and spiritual factors. Singapore is considered to have a high quality of life and has been ranked as the top city in Asia in terms of quality of living. The country is also regarded as the happiest country in Southeast Asia according to the 2022 World Happiness Report. Factors considered in determining the quality of life in each country include the political and social environment, economic environment, socio-cultural environment, health and sanitation, schools and education, public services and transportation, recreation, natural environment, consumer goods, and housing."

Based on the report, it seems that Singapore is a good place to live / work in. Is this true?

With the use of Power Bi, we created a visual report that provides a comprehensive overview of the quality of life in Singapore by looking into these 4 factors:

  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Housing
  • Safety

My Role and Solutions

As the team leader, I'm tasked with managing the team and ensuring that we are on track with the project. Additionally, I was responsible for the overall design and user interface of our visual report and is in charge of analysing the Safety aspect of Singapore with a sub hypothesis of "Singapore is a very safe country".

Work Process

User Requirements & Data Gathering

We conducted interviews to acquire a better understanding of our intended users. The purpose of the interviews was to elicit valuable information from individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Interviewees were chosen based on their age, gender, occupation and nationality.

We crafted user personas from interviews conducted to helped us better understand our target users' needs, preferences, problems, perspectives, and impressions of living and working in Singapore, which will be used to shape our analyses. The below picture shows the one of the user persona from the interview I conducted.

Data was sourced from various websites and government agencies such as SingStat, and and amoung other sources which the data was then cleaned and transformed into a format that is suitable for our use case.


After the data was cleaned and transformed, we created prototypes using Power Bi to test our ideas and to get feedback from our users to ensure that it supports the hypothesis. The following shows the final iteration of the prototype:

The prototype was tested with our target users and the feedback was incorporated into the final visual report. The prototype when throught a total of 5 iterations. Pictures below shows the prototype I created:


In order to integrate each of our team member's prototype, a master navigation system has to be created to allow users to navigate between each of the visual reports easily.

The image above shows the master navigation in a form of a map that allows users to click on individuals factors and view the respective report. The user interface is designed by me to be simple and intuitive to allow easy navigation throughout the visual report.


The visual report was well received by our users and the feedback was very positive. The visual report was also well received by our lecturers and was awarded the best visual report in the class.

Here is a video of the visual report:

Additionally, you can visit the link below for a more in-depth information about the project created by one of our team member:
Link to Github


I would like to thank my team members Amber, Javerine and Natelie for their hard work and dedication in making this project a success. I would also like to thank our lecturers for the guidance and feedbacks received throughout the project.