User Experience Design


About this Project

A fictional Hotel Website, developed from scratch using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The scope of this project was to design and develop an intuitive and interactive website as a team. Each of our 5 team members are responsible to create at lease 2 webpages that should includes a content intensive webpage and a interactive online form webpage.

My Role and Solutions

As the group leader, I was responsible for the planning, overall design, development, integration and consistency of our work.
I was in charge of the development following pages and functionalities:

  • Home page
  • Booking page
  • Sign up page
  • Room info page
  • Navigation Menu
  • Footer

Work Process

Inital Planning

As a team we decided on the theme and name of our website to be a luxury hotel in the city of Paris, France. We decided on the name of the hotel to be Le Timeless Trésor, which means timeless treasure in French. The name is inspired by the city of Paris, which is known for its rich history and culture. The name also reflects the hotel's theme of luxury and elegance.

The logo is designed to be simple and elegant, with the use of a serif font and a gold color scheme. The logo is also designed to be timeless, as the name suggests.

The images below shows the initial sitemap of the website.


Next we each of our team members created mock ups of the pages they are responsible for. The below image shows the initial mockup of the 5 pages I created using Adobe XD. A vintage, classy, clean, elegant look and feel is the overarching theme that we are aiming for.

The use of white space to foster a sense of calm and serenity with combinations of black, white, and gold as our color scheme to create a sense of elegance, luxury and wealth that matches the theme of the hotel. Here are the color schemes that we decided on:

User experience is also a very important aspect of the design as we want to make sure that the user is able to navigate through the website easily and intuitively. Design principles such as contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity, and balance are used to create a sense of harmony and balance in the design.

Design can be art. Design can be simple. That's why it's so complicated.
- Paul Rand

Development & Integration

Development of the website was done using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The use of CSS Grid and Flexbox was used to create a responsive design that is compatible with all devices. To create a smooth and seamless user experience, CSS animations and transitions were also used. Javascript was used to create the interactive elements of the website, such as the navigation menu, booking form, and sign up form.

Github was used to manage the version control of the project. Each of us created a branch for our own work and merged it to the master branch once we are done with our work. This ensures that the master branch is always up to date and that there are no conflicts between the code of each of us.


The website was developed within the time frame of 4 months and is fully responsive, functional and interactive for all devices. The feedback received from excellent from our lecturers.

Visit Live site
See Source Code


I would like to thank my team members Amber, Javerine and Natelie for their hard work and dedication in making this project a success as well as lecturers for their constance guidances and feedbacks throughout the project.